Use your talents to make an impact! Apply today to join our seasonal staff team!



(Ages 7 - 9)


(Ages 9 - 12)

Middle School


(Ages 12 - 14)

Treasure Seekers

(Ages 12 - 14)

Rustic Warrior

(Ages 12 - 14)

High School

Venture Out

(Ages 14 - 17)

High School - Leadership


(Ages 14 - 16)


(Ages 16 - 17)

Ranch Camps


(Ages 7 - 9)

Trail Blazer

(Ages 9 - 12)

Range Rider

(Ages 12 - 14)

Ranch Pathfinders

(Ages 14 - 16)

Ranch Quest

(Ages 16 - 17)

Youth Retreats

Family Retreats

Ranch Retreats

“I am blessed to be able to say that Grace Adventures has ministered to four generations of my family. My mom attended camp in 1947, I attended several years and helped out as a cabin leader, all three of my children attended and my daughter was on summer staff, and now several of my grandchildren are involved. Two of them are serving in the high school leadershp program. I praise God for the way Grace Adventures has ministered to my family”