Why Summer Camp?
Camp Changes Lives
Dear Parent,
Did you know that every day the average child spends 270 minutes in front of the TV, 7.5 hours a day on electronic media, and about four minutes playing outside? It can be overwhelming to think about how difficult it is for children to get away from the harmful messages they receive everyday about identity, self-worth, sexuality, and faith.
It is so difficult to find a place where your kids can relax, be safe, have fun, and be encouraged to grow spiritually. During a week at Grace Adventures, located in West Michigan near Silver Lake, they’ll spend 7,200 minutes with positive role models, building new friends and self-esteem, and learning how to be a healthy young person who can be successful in the world. They won’t spend a single minute in front of the TV, computer, phone, or video games.
The Grace staff are rigorously interviewed and trained during approximately 8,000 hours of summer staff training so that the right counselors are hired and are prepared to lead your camper during a life-changing week at camp.
There are many things that your camper could choose to do this summer. Vacations, sports camps, and jobs are just a few options. The cost of these options is continuing to rise, and many families must choose where to spend their precious resources. How many of these options include a program where the staff has spent over 1,500 hours focusing on the spiritual development of your camper for one week?
A week at Grace Adventures gives campers the chance to be themselves while exploring who God made them to be. As your child gets away from harmful messages and life’s pressures, he or she will have countless hours of fun, make new friends, and most importantly be prepared to make a difference at home.
In His Service,
Steve Prudhomme, President